Thursday, January 26, 2006

Australia Day

....and a bunch of Banksia,Dryandra and Christmas Bells to hope that those of you who are Australian commemorated our national day appropriately and remember how truly blessed we are to live in this country. Posted by Picasa


Chief-Ten-Bears said...

And a happy belated Australia day to you. The local papers here carried photos of aussie kids drinking while wearing hats dangling with wine corks. What a cute national quirk!

Maureen said...

Joyce I bet that the paper didn't explain that in earlier days,when Australia was more rurally centred(does that make sense?) the swaggies used to string corks or even quandongs around the brims of their hats in an attempt to keep flies off their faces.
Now, I suppose I need to explain
"Swaggies" and "quandongs"!!