That Challenge....again.
This afternoon I had another "go" at 'Autumn Blues': adding more of the Challenge Angelina,which I fused to some Nasturtium silk Organza I bought when I killed my plastic at Robyn Alexander's "Colour Streams" last year.
I thought that it could be used both sides to represent Autumn leaves and the flames of a bonfire consuming the leaves.
Unfortunately,my pile of leaves looks more like a discoloured Pointsettia flower........too tidy!
But I wanted a 3-D effect with the leaves being able to hang away from the background,or even turn to show both sides.
Maybe when it gets to be permanently in a vertical position (read wall-hanging) the leaves will fluff and dangle as I visualised.
I did do a little surgery on the main piece: it will now be a 10 inch square when finished.
There are some other bits 'n bobs to be added,but,because they're delicate and require hand stitching,they will be added when this is backed and bound.