WHAT would you do??
This morning I escorted my husband to his Oncology clinic appointment……after “visiting” with his Oncologist we went down to the main entrance /foyer of the hospital to wait for transport home.
Not long after we got there,a gentleman (who I recognised as a doctor in the Specialist’s clinics) passed us and waited outside with his luggage.
After a wait of some ten minutes,he left his case/portmanteau outside and came back through the foyer to disappear into “somewhere” in the hospital!
( and yes,he did have a mobile phone)
In view of the media grabs we see on TV regarding “suspicious left luggage” I was a little apprehensive……
I recognised him as a doctor;
he had left luggage in a conspicuous place and vacated the scene.
I was standing near LARGE plate glass sliding doors…and I wondered (as silly old women do) which way a blast would cause the most damage.
There were no obvious security persons to approach!
I reasoned that as the luggage was the OTHER side of a concrete pylon,if I turned my back and stayed in my semi sheltered corner (if there was a blast) my back would be splintered.
Add to this, that ,at the moment,an Indian doctor (in Brisbane,Queensland) has been held for over a week pending investigation into a possible relationship with recent bombings in Great Britain……..
I KNOW the media goes ballistic in these situations……
WHAT would you do?
Thankfully,nothing happened at Redcliffe Hospital today……..but rest assured,if I see that doctor when we visit again in two week’s time,I will front him,and tell him to be more careful.