Saturday, February 12, 2011

February Haiku: (Romantic) LOVE

After using "Patriotic" Love for my first attempt for the February Haiku,
I thought to try my hand at "Romantic" Love:

I finally decided on showing two of my attempts on the one art piece
which was constructed using a piece of pink Lutradur which has been "washed" with a layer of Lumiere
Pearlescent / Magenta paint.

I appliqued three floral fabric hearts, and one heart outline in the same material to the background Lutradur.
In the top left hand corner, I added a textured cardboard heart which had also been washed with the Pearlescent Lumiere paint.
The heart outline had sprays of green vine embellishment added , and in the quilting lines within the heart I wrote in metallic gold ink:

"New love flourishes
Blissful days and nights
Soul mates forever."

In the shadow quilting above the heart I wrote:

"Love's sweet melodies
Bliss filled days and nights
Valentines always. "

Unfortunately, my photographic skills are not up to making the gold writing easier to read.

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Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Postmark'dArt : Buttons

All that needs be done now, is to address, and mail these fabric and fibre postcards.

Then---I can return to working on a couple of cards for the AAQI.(Alzheimers Art Quilt Initiative)
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February haiku

The word for this month's challenge is "love".
I chose the love for one's country


for my theme, and this is my journalled page.
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Monday, February 07, 2011

Nearly there!

Today a few more buttons and seam treatments were added,as was also the reverse side of the piece.
I've had this sheet of "buttons" for about five years, waiting for the "right piece"

Now I'm ready to cut and divide the square into six postcard sized pieces and then finish the raw edges, and hopefully, by week's end five of the cards will be on their way to new homes.

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Sunday, February 06, 2011

Postmark'dArt : Round 12 :A WiP

The themes for Round 12 of Postmark'dArt group were posted on the group's notice board a few days back.I chose Buttons
Element: EARTH
for my themes.
As we had a limit of six people per group I thought it would be a good chance to employ the method suggested for the ELEMENTS over the past few rounds.
Commence with a 12.5 inch square of interfacing (my choice is FAST2FUSE) and construct one large block, then divide into six (6x4inch) postcards
Add backing; "finish" edges; Address and pop into a mail box.

In my fabric stash, I have a few pieces of button themed fabric, none of which really have a commonality of colour ways, so I added a few pieces of plain homespun and used a Crazy patch method of constructing the basic block.
To the crazy patched block I am adding embellishments in the form of buttons, sequins, braids and laces.
(More still needed)
If you look closely, you can see yellow marking lines: this is where the large block will be divided into six.
I also have a button themed paper to use on the reverse side to complete the theme.
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