Friday, January 11, 2008
How does your garden grow?
We've had non stop rainshowers since Boxing Day,and the moisture and heat have sent the garden into growing mode.
Everything is so lush and green.
Don't you love the varying shades of green in the Poinciana tree over the back fence?
Unfortunately it didnt have a heavy flowering seaso and what blooms there were ,were soon destroyed by the strong winds we had in December;still,just behind the Poinciana is an African Tulip tree which brings delight to the flocks of Rainbow Lorikeets that feat on its blooms.
I must remember to take a photo of my "Poor man's beans" (dolichus lab-lab).I had forgotten how rampant their growth pattern can be,and I planted six instead of one seed.
My neighbour reckons they're growing like the day of the Triffids! (remember that film of about 30 years ago?)
As long as we (my neighbour and I) have a good crop..............!!
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9:40 am
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Paper fabric revisited
For some reason this photo did not appear in the first entry: This is stage two,after the lumiere paints and the green acrylic had been added
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5:41 pm
Paper fabric
Because I'm awaiting delivery of goodies from both The Thread Studio and Ebay,I've taken a breather from my Autumn pieces and thought I'd make an attempt at paper fabric.
In Issue 12 of CPS mag there was an article on a paper quilt----
and as I've received cards from my friends Belle,and MaureenG that stimulated my senses,
here I am today,with homespun,Acrylic glue,tissue paper and sundry bits and pieces.
I tried to stay with the KISS principle but even so I nearly messed up--
like not realising how quickly glue saturated tissue paper will dry in summer!
Consequently I did not achieve the bleeding of the acrylic paint into the tissue layers as much as I 'd hoped.
So the first photo is of the layered and glue saturated tissues (white,pink and green) and the strips of lavender mulberry paper that I added (hopefully) for further texture.
The second stage,was where I added Lumiere Sun gold metallic and Pearlescent pink paints in the hopes of adding a bit more pizzazz.
I can feel more postcards coming on.......
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5:16 pm
Monday, January 07, 2008
Autumn blues
These two pieces represent an attempt at a foundation or back cloth for a small quilt I'm trying to construct.
Stage one: shows the layout of colours I hoped to work with. I must admit that I didnt achieve the effect I was chasing,so in an attempt to mute the colours,I overlaid a pice of black tulle (netting) and added some leaf shap quilting outlines to hold the sandwich together.
Yes,it needs more stitching for definition,but I'm not happy with the over-all effect.
Back to the drawing board I guess.............maybe smaller,more muted pieces will work better.
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5:58 pm
Sunday, January 06, 2008
Moodlu revisited
Trawling through my album for shots of the two Silky Oaks
aka A.Grevilliea Robusta that grew along the front bounday at Kenmark,
I found these pics of(from top to bottom):
Gloriosa Lily..........the thicket resulted from one seedpod picked up on the ocean side of Bribie Island about 12 years ago.
The Tibouchina.......self sown by own of the visiting birds;A beautiful plant with its mauve pink petals.
Clerodendrum thompsonae/Bleeding Hearts:
the latter was given me back about 1976 by my friend Rosa, and has followed me through several relocations.
I'm very happy to report 'she' has settled in well at her latest home.
For the last twelve days or so we have been experiencing a reasonable amount of rain.
Many areas have been hit by floods and others have power outages due to today's thunderstorm.
Thankfully all is well at KenMaursCorner.
Posted by
5:35 pm