Sunday, September 27, 2009

What do you do...............?


When your daughter phones you, and says "she needs a BIG favour"??
If you're a dummy like me,you say "OK baby" and then ask for the details...........

Today,Colleen was driving down a major roadway,when she saw "FOUND"
Being my darling girl,she couldn't leave "Found/Rescued" where he was at risk, could she.........

THEN when he was safely in her car.....practicality kicked in........she couldn't take him home,because Bella the German Shepherd would reduce him to mince-meat.
She didnt want to overburden the RSPCA,because they had just seized some 200 dogs & puppies from a puppy farm...... .Peninsula Animal Aid was closed...........

O GOOD ol'Mum is a soft touch...............nuff said!!

Maybe "overnight" might change my mind...if he whinges a lot.....
but he is one sweet baby (so far)

I have left details with the RSPCA as a "FOUND"
Tomorrow ,when the office opens,I'll contact Moreton Bay Council for details of his registration....and see if I can contact his humans.......

Colleen......I hate to admit it honey......but I hope I cant find his humans......

As I said...overnight behaviour might change my thinking...........

he is one sweet baby!

(Watch this space)

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Ready to mail out

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PostmarkdArt: Sunrise/Sunset


If all goes to plan ,today will finally see my twelve "Sunrise/Sunset" themed postcards for Postmark'dArt Round 9 being completed.
Shown here,are six of them; the others just need the finishing around their edges.
I leave it to you to decide which represent the two varying times.

For some crazy reason,all the time I've been playing with this theme,the song sung by the character Tevye in "Fiddler on the Roof" kept haunting me----

So in order to lay that ghost to rest,I have an idea for a mini quilt .....when my committments to Round Nine are in the mail.

Back now to complete the other six cards. Ciao!
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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

RSPCA cup cake day


August 17 was designated RSPCA Cupcake Day and several women from a certain government department decided to do their bit for the cause.
Accordingly,last Sunday they got together for a group bakeoff at one of their homes.
(I was the designated photographer for the day,and the above photos illustrate that it was not all work.

Yesterday I learned that the fantastic four had raised (Au) $350.........not bad for an afternoon's effort.

Already they are focussing on the next "cause".......

"Go bananas for Orangutans" WSPA World Animal Week 4-10 October

a BANANARAMA Karoke session
or a Banana boar race??????

You can be sure that these gals will have FUN raising funds

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Saturday, August 15, 2009

Reverse of "Do you remember"


As promised.....view of reverse of Janice's card

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Work in progress


This is blogged to show Belle that I am still playing with wool!
Back in 2006 Belle and I attended a workshop on needle felting..and attempting to make figures.
Not long after I received from Belle a n/f postcard featuring a frangipani.
Using a totally different and not at all natural colours,this is my attempt.

Memo to self: it is much easier to use commercially made felt for the background,than hand felting blanks.
Actually the background had been felted for my sunrise/sunset theme,but somewhere along the way..............
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I've got mail!


As a member of Postmark'dArt
I signed up for the Round 9 swap,and some of the cards are beginning to arrive in my letter box.

First there was one from Franki Kohler based on Elements: Leaves

Franki used a sunprinting method with Setacolour paints,geranium leaves and rock salt.
She is also the author of 'fast fun & easy" FABRIC POSTCARDS published by C&T publishing.....and has some great tips for making mailable art.

The other three postcards are on the theme SUNRISE-SUNSET and are the works of Janice Simpson,Alison Ray and Laurie Walton.

Laurie sponge painted her fabric and added a tatted giraffe reaching for hand stitched leaves.

Alison used hot air balloons against a sunrise...slight padding to add dimension to the balloons and some glitter.

Janice printed a silhouette of a jiving couple and asked "Do you remember"
The other side of the card is very striking with striped painted fabric and list of things to remember from our teenage years.
I'll include a pic of the reverse side of the card in my next blogging.

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Saturday, August 01, 2009

ELEMENTS : leaves


Ready to be mailed to those participating in the current round of ELEMENTS : Leaves
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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


My brief is to take a 12 by 12 inch square of Fast2Fuse or similar material and create LEAVES.
Whether I make one leaf or cover the entire surface with leaves is my choice.
The twelve inch square is then to be cut into six (4 x 6 inch sized) postcards ,and mail off five of the cards to the others participating.

On the message side of each card I need to describe specifically and clearly the materials and processes used.

After thinking about the challenge for a couple of months,I decided to use one of my favourite themes:
No prize for guessing
that I chose AUTUMN which gave me the opportunity to employ the pressed and dried Maple and Gingko leaves that I brought home from Japan last year.

Using some Homespun cotton fabric and Pebeo transparent paints I applied a wash to the fabric as back ground for the leaves.

The leaves were scanned and adjusted, and finally I printed the scanned leaves to the treated fabric using Celcast fabric carrier sheets.

And that is as far as I have progressed............(watch this space)

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Monday, July 20, 2009

Phoenix rising

I bet that Doreen never expected to see this happen.........her CQ block finally completed!

I've been feeling rather bad about the situation,I must admit that Doreen's block has been in my possession for over twelve months....
and apart from a yet unfinished Candlewicked piece.......this is the longest I've ever taken.
My sincere apologies,Doreen

Life has been a bit weird this year-----
I embarked on a TAFE course for Tutoring in Literacy & Numeracy-----and didnt realise just how time consuming that would become,between lectures,assignments,practical classes etc.

Then,my hip decided it "was time" for a total replacement!
The day before surgery four weeks ago,I handed in my final assignment for assessment and accreditation..........
and yes,I arrived home from hospital to find I had received my accreditation.

(I felt very pleased about that)

So Doreen,I then applied myself to your block............I hope the long wait was worthwhile.

My ' creative juices' are starting to kick in again.....after a very long time when nothing seemed to work.
maybe just feeling well has made the difference

I have scanned some Japanese maple leaves (from last year's trip) painted some fabric;
then printed the leaves to the fabric;
and now am ready to try and make some "LEAVES" postcards for a Postmark'dart swap.

Oh! the hip! Just call me Lurch (smile)
Everything is healing well;pain is minimal;
all I need is for the surgeon to give me the all clear so I can go back to driving,walking and swimming.
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Sunday, March 08, 2009

Sunday lunch

Upper photo: Okonomiyaki cafe in Hiroshima......November 2008

Lower photo: Okonomiyaki at Redcliffe jetty Markets March 2009

Can it really be three months since I last blogged!

I remember how when I first started (blogging) back about 2003/4 I religiously added 'something' daily...........but these last seven months I've slipped badly.

Perhaps now that Summer is officially over (but the weather gods haven't taken notice of the calendar!)
Things may cool down weatherwise and once again I'll get back to my fabrics and fibre creations.

As a Category 4 cyclone "Hamish" is cruising southwards from FNQ (far north Queensland) and it has been suggested we start preparing "just in case"'
I went shopping for a few staples ,then ventured on to wander through the Jetty Markets at Redcliffe.

A lovely day to be by the waterside....the Markets are in the parkland just above the beach,in an area dotted with lovely shady Norfolk pines.
Picture it!

All the tents dotted among the pines and displaying their colourful and delightfully perfumed wares......clothes (Bali style clothing so suited to our hot and steamy Summers)
Crafty things from beading,crocheting,decoupage..........
Food: Jams,olives,olive oil,avocado oils,turkish breads,homemade sweets,fruit,vegetables............

For the soul.....scented candles,incense,essential oils

Greenish-blue water lapping at the creamy sand; The wonderful sounds of three

didgeridoo's throbbing in harmony as one artist kept us entralled with his skill.....

Happy people enjoying the musician's skill.....he was really "on song " today.

And then I found it!

"Japanese foods"

run by Kristy & Daisuke Mori.

So this very happy little vegemite had Okonomiyaki for lunch..............and loved every mouthful.

For some reason some reason the photos insist on remaining at the top of the blog.............and I'm so rusty in blogging skills these days I have forgotten how to reposition them.
By the way......the bright pink garnish on the Redcliffe version is pickled ginger.