Sunday, April 10, 2011

Back yard birds

I always love it when the various bird species come to visit. This one, is a Little Corella

which although fairly common in the suburbs, becomes more so, as Winter (the Dry season) draws closer. As we have had such a prolific Wet Summer season the Corellas and Galahs are taking advantage of the blossoms and seed pods that are forming.
Consequently, my bird bath is regularly full of debris! But it's a small price to pay for regular visitors


shirley said...

When i read of your corellas and galahs, i went to your profile to see where you were from, and I was correct - south east queensland. I love your birds, and cant remember the name of the tree with the bright red flower.

So I will just say hi neighbour.

Maureen said...

Hi Shirley!
Thanks for visiting! The tree is a Spathodea, or African Tulip tree.
The name is on the photo but does not show (up) very well.