Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Take Silk

About two years ago I read an article in a CQ magazine on making and embellishing silk paper and this led me to the book "Take Silk" by Judith Pinell (a Milner Craft series publication)
She described an easy method for making 'paper' using silk tops and textile medium.
"Tops" is a term used to describe a thick ropelike mass of parallel fibres which may be eit5her silk or wool.

The photo above shows two batches of silk tops: one a spiral dyed fibre by Jacinta Leishman and a blonde/undyed tops I buy from Elaine at her HIGHLAND-COTTAGE-CRAFTS
Apart from a sheet of plastic (I use bubble wrap) some sheets of netting;water,a dash of detergent and Textile medium,plus of course the tops,and a drying screen or tray,nothing else is requiredexcept time and patience.
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1 comment:

Sophie said...

Silk paper is such fun!! and looks soooo gorgeous!! - Oh and Jacinta's fibres are so colourful