Saturday, December 22, 2012

Table runners

Changing the colour format but NOT the actual physical layout
I have completed two (table runners) for Christmas presents.

The top runner in tans and autumn colours will, hopefully tone in with the decor in one house.

The lower runner was constructed with a particular friend in mind :
In fact, she stumbled upon it in my work area and declared how happy she would be to own it.
 Well, Di! I hope you meant it, because it now has your name on it!
The central motifs were machine embroidered using a design by Unique Candlewick, out of the Oregon Patchwork "stable".
The download also featured a photo of one of the blocks used in a table runner.
NO other details re measurement were available, so I winged it: the blue/pink/lavendar being the first attempt.
I am please with the results-------I hope the new owners are happy

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Monday, November 19, 2012

Newspaper: Black Optics

Once again I am "playing" with Red,Black and White , and concentrating on Diana  of RED MOON GARDENS designs.
I particularly like her Black Ops and thought I would see what results.

This was today's much further it will develop?
Who knows......
she also has designed some "interesting" bar code types which could be used as features on narrower blocks.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Out of Africa

Having decided to represent African animals in my current African themed cards,
I decided to check out the most recent Newsletter of one of my favourite Animal support groups:WWF (World Wildlife Fund)

and as I flicked through the catalogue, I decided to use my cards to send a MESSAGE:
So, after visiting the WWF Gift Centre,
I borrowed the statement on their tee shirts

That show the world that wildlife crime is serious.

I hope the recipients of the cards appreciate my sentiments
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Monday, November 12, 2012

It's beginning to look like Christmas...

 As I commence making Christmas cards.
This year I am determined to make a small dent in my stash, and I'm refusing to buy any new ingredients.
A couple of cards feature Christmas themes from machine embroidery  libraries and I'm pleased to say that they were "freebies"
(It's amazing what can be found when you trawl the Net.
The circular image in the lower left corner is meant to be a "snow ball"....a lovely brocade Santa is hiding behind the silver snow, and unfortunately my photography (lack of) skills don't do it justice.
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Thursday, November 01, 2012

Two colours with buttons

 The brief was to construct postcards using only two colours and a button (or two, or three)

These were for a swap over at Post Card Mail Art, and as usual I made more than necessary.
I liked the effect of the combination of black with white fabrics, but

I also wished to play with a black and red combination, so the lower five cards were the final result.
Which ones did I mail off?
I'm not saying, until they reach their new homes.

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Thursday, October 18, 2012


 The most beautiful and loving cat person I have ever met:
Sam Wise
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Newspaper: second stage

When I first pieced "newspaper" I had plans of using
geometrical embroidery, but looking back at some other machine embroidery designs I had used, I was drawn to BUTTERFLIES,and I thought why not use the same design in the two basic colors running down the length of the quilt!
At this stage, I'm debating whether to employ more embroidery designs, or to stay with quilting patterns running (haphazardly?/diagonally) down the quilt.
Whatever stitching is added, I plan to stay with RED and BLACK, in keeping with the colour ways used in the pieced quilt.

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Remember the kid's riddle:
"What's black and white ,
 and re(a)d all over?"

Sure , the days of such basic newspapers
have disappeared but I thought it makes for a quirky title for my latest quilt,

I had in mind to attempt a slightly crazy patch (even though all pieces are rectangular,rather than varied geometric shapes)
and then I plan to use various machine embroidery motifs that I have downloaded.
Laces, trimmings, buttons and beads may also appear....
who knows!

The first picture shows one of the several fabric auditions I played with before I finally decided on picture #2
which is shown with the accepted pieces stitched together and ready to embellish

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Friday, October 12, 2012

I've got mail!

 This week has briought some interesting and varied Postcards to my mail box:

First up was a (hand) needlefelted card from DebP.For some reason, this card must have travelled the scenic route from Illinios to Queensland because it travelled for hree weeks, instead of the average 10 to 12 days.

The second card, with a Halloween theme came from an Aussie,a new member to PostCardMailArt.
Hard to believe this one one of the first cards that Toni has made. I can't wait to receive MORE from her!

Finally, This card from MaryLou on Canada:
And my first thought on seeing it was "Another Halloween card??"
The theme of MaryLou's card was LABELS, and she kindly shared the story behind the label.
The main body of the card was constructed from a brown paper bag,but I'll share MaryLou's explanation with you:
"The back is a paper bag from our local LIQUOR CONTROL BOARD of ONTARIO.
(yes, all booze is sold through that venue)
The Beer Store sells beer in their stores. Only specialty beers get to the LCBO.
Not too many years ago, one had to sign a slip of paper when purchasing liquor.
We have made progress.NO unning to the corner store as we can do for milk and pop.

Newfie Screech  is only sold in Newfoundland, and mainly  as a tourist trade.It is instant headachebeing made from the dregs of the rum bottles"

Interesting isn't learn about labels!

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Saturday, October 06, 2012

Desert Rose update

 Taken late afternoon in the golden glow of sunset, the budding Desert Rose.

Desert Rose because of its botanical name

Adenium obesum is sometimes referred to as Fat Boy.
The "obesum" tag refers to its water storing method generally at the base of the stem.
Originating in Africa and the Middle East, Adeniums are related to Alamandas,Oleanders and
I'm not sure just how tall these plants will grow, but mine, which were purchased as seedlings rather than propagated cuttings three years ago are now over one metre tall.

 I have one growing in a Bonsai pot and this plant in particular shows how the base develops similar to the Baobab tree in its efforts to retain and store water.

One point to remember is that its sap is toxic (like Oleander) so be aware of this if you have children or pets.
It's also a good (safety) practice to wash your hands if you do get sap on them.

Finally: this is my Stephanotis just coming into bloom.
Also known as Bridal veil vine ,and Madagascar Jasmine.
Mine started life as a seedling:(I believe they can be propagated from stem tips of half ripe wood)
The flowering plant is  doing very well in an elevated bed on the northern side of the house.
I have even had two seed pods produced.
They are like a smallish green woody pear. But nothing came from them, because I believe I cut them from the vine too early
Another plant, roughly only four feet away from this one, and in a large pot has produced nothing.
The friend who gave me the seedlings and is really a green thumb gardener, has had no flowers what so ever.
I wonder if she treated them too well!

Anyway, enough of gardening!
I am "auditioning" fabrics for a modern style of Crazy Quilted hanging: to be executed in black/white and red.
I feel a stash enhancement  trip coming on!

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Friday, October 05, 2012

Spring update

 The Stephanotis is so come to full bloom!
I should not complian, because my dear friend Trish , who gifted me with the seedlings some three years back, has STILL had no blooms on her plants.
This particular plant is readying itself for its second annual display.
Having said that, my other Stephanotis (growing in a pot less than a metre from the blooming one, has yet to show a flower bud.
(Go figure)

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Monday, October 01, 2012

Autumn leaves

 Three cards theming "Autumn leaves".
The original leaves were some I filmed and scanned after a visit to Japan a few years ago.
(Japan in Autumn is one fantastic back drop of colours)

The top of these three cards was printed directly onto cotton fabric.

The middle card: A forest area on the way to Mt Fujiama: I printed the abstract colours onto canvas then the scanned leaves were printed on Organza and overlaid on the canvas.

Finally, the leaves printed on Organza,  were laid over  the scanned and printed cotton.
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 PostCardMail Art was organising a postcard swap incorporating labels: and this is my story of how I proceeded!

Using a commercial card I scanned and printed the  contents to some cotton twill PFD fabric.
Unfortunately the colours didn't print as vivdly as I wished, but it still suited my purpose as a background for labels removed from ne of my favourite "drops". Stamp declaring PartyTime and  typical drinkers' messages of good cheer were also incorporated.
 In the card below Buddha, some "Paper fabric" from an earlier project was employed along with appliqued fabric cup plus sachet covers of Twinings "Lady Grey"
.The other two cards feature some tea-pots and cups that have been lurking in my sash for a "few" years-.-I took the liberty of using the teabag tabs to swing from a cup and also a pot.
 For both these cards (featuring labels from  plants purchased recently) I used some of the Gelli Plate prints I made a few months back. I hadn't used any of the samples until now because I felt the colours obtained were "too in your face". Laundering did NOT fade the fabric one iota, but hey!  The flower (tags) used are pretty vivid so I married them together and I think they work together well.

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Garden pics

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 I was playing around with photo editor and this was the result!
Sleeping Buddha nestled into Jasmine creeper and Ginger plants in pots below.

"Lemon tree very pretty
and the lemon flower is sweet
But the fruit of the poor lemon is IMPOSSIBLE to eat"

My lemon tree (Variety: Eureka) after having some eight large bagful picked and branches cut back.

A pink floribunda rose in the front garden.
Apologies for the weed on the gravel.

Mr Lincoln: A deep red and wonderfully perfumed rose: my favourite!

A view along the of th back of the house: Mirror on the far fence is to give more depth to the pocket handkerchief sized garden.
And YES a chore still requiring action is the pressure hose the paving blocks back to their creamy  colour.


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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Manic bookmarks

 Long time followers of KenMaursCorner will recognise the crazy cats which have appeared over the years.....
and here they are again.
I love the "in your face" bright colours.....!
I have a feeling that maybe some crazy patch cats might complete the series.

Anyway, I have  already twelve bookmarks constructed......maybe it's time to move on: Autumn leaves
are waiting patiently in the wings for their turn.

I have a few ideas,particularly for the Autumn leaves, but whether I have sufficient time to try my ideas........

watch this space.

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Bookmark mania

 The past week I have added yet more bookmarks to my collection.
I wanted to work within a two inch by
six or seven inch format before I decided which five bookmarks I would send to my swap partner, Melody.
My first attempts  resulted in rather bulky pieces in my opinion, so I gave myself permission to play.

My friends know that I don't like patchwork, because I find it difficult to match points and keep squares "square".

1...The turquoise piece is a sunprinted piece where sprigs of  Haresfoot fern were used in the process.
The reverse side features fussy-cut flowers appliqued to a dark green fabric.

2..Features fussy cur flowers again appliqued to a lavendar fabric.

3 and 4.. Gum leaves and gum nuts (or if you prefer Eucalyptus leaves and nuts

 on a greem Homespun.
Reverse sides also feature appliqued leaves.

5... Again you see appliqued flowers and leaves.

There are four or so other book marks which will appear in my next posting.


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