A deep sigh of relief!

The bag was duly presented to its new owner today:and she liked it!!
One big sigh of relief,although I think she was a little disappointed that it wasn't as "crazy/colourful" as my Red hats bag.
One thing I've determined:NEVER again will I attempt a bag using heavyweight denim.
My left thumb feels as if it's dislocated(I sew left handed)
As I need another bag completed by Friday evening,guess what I'm doing tomorrow?

The bag is very cute. I've never attempted any thing like that. BTW, thanks for the post on my site. The Cherry-Coke Salad recipe is there now. It was a big hit at Thanksgiving dinner.
Looks great Maureen, I'll remember about not using heavy denim, I hope to have a go at making a bag.
I love your bag, I came to your blog by the way of Lisa (cherry coke salad). I have to go to work now but plan on exploring your blog during lunch.
What a great bag... love it!
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