Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Looking back.......

">Link Checking through the archives of KenmaursCorner,I see that I'm 10 days short of my first(Blogging) anniversary.
As I said back in January, "it's all SharonB's fault" ...Meeting her at Can-Bra October 2003 has opened such a new and ever widening learning curve for me and I frequently despair at my lack of knowledge and expertise.

Anyway,onwards and hopefully upwards!
Yesterday I went back to working on a CQ block for Mairead:
it has been shamefully neglected the past month or so as other deadlines assaulted me.
Hopefully it will be in the post back to you by New Year


Hunter said...

Happy New Year Maureen!

I'm so glad that we've met.


Jacqui said...

You are so right about other deadlines! Finally got a look at the lace knitting link you sent - absolutely stunning! far too clever for me :)