Thursday, March 02, 2006

Things Japanese

">Link Because of the bounty I received earlier in the week:Kimonos and offcuts from a Japanese oriented store in Melbourne, a friend and I have been doing a little research.
Primarily because we were surprised at seeing a colour combination of red with white in a rather small sized Japanese "dress".

Why do I say "dress"?
Because one of the first things I learned was that " the term kimono means nothing more and nothing less than clothes!

I won't bore you with details,except to add go visit
to learn more than I can fit in here.
One thing I did learn was that the combination of white with red is a seasonal theme relating to Autumn.

And another question answered for me was:Why are these garments stitched together with a running stitch?
A: Unless they are woolen,the garments are taken apart to be washed;block dried then sewn back together.

And on another note,because we've been given a severe weather/storm warning, I must go batten down the hatches!


Digitalgran said...

Thanks for that interesting info about the Kimono. I have bookmarked the website to have a browse another time. I hope the storm is not too bad for you. Take care.
We are having a snowstorm here in Wales this morning too.

Maureen said...

We need the rain badly Margaret as most of the state is in drought conditions.
In the last two days we've had 120 ml rain(over 4 inches in the old Imperial measure) and I'd estimate another 2 inches today/overnight.

abeautifulcraft said...

Hello Maureen, this was really interesting and the site is great! I love this type of fabric, but they are hard to get here in Australia......