Friday, February 18, 2011

Possum and the Rainbow bridge

As if yesterday wasn't heartbreaking enough, this morning my beloved Possum crossed the Rainbow Bridge to be re united with Cadbury,
and hopefully Billie the kid and Jesse Jomo will be waiting to welcome them.

Yes, it was "time" for our Duchess to suffer no more. She reached the grand old age of nineteen years, not bad for a "street kid" from Amberley .
Like Caddie, Poss brought so much love and affection into our lives.
And asked little in return......except feed me, share your bed with me and let's watch TV together in the Recliner rocker.

It will be a quiet house...I will miss her squawks asking "where are you?"
Or her patting my arm or face reminding me that she was sharing the pillow with me.

The first photo of Possum was taken about 9am today.
The others were taken February 3, after Mandy had given her a hair cut.

Rest easy will be missed

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