Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Sharon made me do it!


The above is part of an email received this morning,from a very patient lady who's trying to educate me in using a Blog in an acceptable style (VBG)
I'm sure her rationale is, that if I can emerge relatively unscathed from the experience and manage to upload pics as well...........anyone can!
If nothing else occurs,it will either put my remaining grey matter into melt-down or I'll emerge a little wiser......(I hope it's the latter)

Day one...........after committing myself to a Blog account,I chose an offered template to set up my page.Not impressed with what I chose.....
layout was not to my liking once I started.
Web design?? What's that?
What am I doing here??

Day don't like it? Change it! I've now chosen the softer outline of the "Light house" template;A logical decision when you consider
how much I love the ocean, and miss Lo-e.
NOW do I add pics?
I cant transfer them from other websites I'm a member of;My ISP doesn't seem to want to know me or tell me about storing my pics anywhere;
My White Knights Sharon and Jerry to the rescue!! Try this Maureen.Have a play.................
YEEHAaaaaaaaaaaaa! It works............
Now ,if I can "plant" my pics where I want them.............
Anyway,thanks S&J!!

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